Meet the Three English Experts: Birgit Kasimirski, Rebecca Deacon, David Preston
2023-11-01 13 min
Description & Show Notes
Get to know the team: Birgit Kasimirski, Rebecca Deacon, David Preston, who can take away your fears of speaking English! Offering lots of motivation and practical tips for your daily life to get you much more involved with English.
Find out:
Find out:
- Who we are and what English expertise we can share
- Our own language learning journeys
- Why it makes sense to learn foreign languages
(Transcribed by Go Unlimited to remove this message.) Hi, welcome to the 3 English Experts.
I'm Dave.
I'm Rebecca.
And I'm Birgit.
And welcome to this episode.
3 English Experts is your English podcast to
help you speak better English and create a
positive and happy mindset for your English learning
Hi everyone and welcome to this episode.
This is our very first episode of our
very first podcast.
We're all very excited.
And in this episode, we are just going
to introduce ourselves so you can meet and
learn about the 3 experts.
So I'm going to kick off.
My name is Rebecca Deacon.
I am a business English trainer, and I've
been living in Frankfurt in Germany for the
last 25 years.
I'm originally from Sheffield, like my colleague here,
Dave, although we have never met.
We are from the same city.
We've never met.
And actually, all three of us have never
met each other.
This is all remote.
And hopefully one day we will be meeting.
But so far, we still never met.
I'm a business English trainer.
I teach business English to various clients in
various different types of companies.
And I'm also a qualified coach.
So I realized a few years ago, a
long time ago, that in my opinion, language
learning is not only an academic thing.
It's also a mindset thing.
And that mindset and confidence and all these
kind of things are very important when you're
learning a language.
So I also have a qualification, a coaching
qualification, and I use that as a tool
to combine that with my language training.
I'm also studying positive psychology at the moment
to become a positive psychology practitioner.
And I'm hoping in the future that I
can also combine this aspects of positive psychology
with linguistics and integrate that into my courses.
I'm a Brit, but I do speak various
languages, which is a little bit unusual.
We're not known for our linguistic talents, but
I speak fluent German.
I've lived here for a very long time.
I also speak Spanish.
I speak Japanese, a little bit of Japanese.
I speak a bit of Polish and a
bit of Swahili, a little bit of Urdu.
Actually, I was chatting to the taxi driver
in Urdu the other night, a little bit
of all sorts.
And I just love anything that's to do
with languages, really.
Language nerd.
Passing over to my other British friend here,
Sheffield buddy, Dave, would you like to introduce
yourself to our listeners?
Yeah, thanks, Rebecca.
I'm Dave Preston, also a business English coach
like yourself.
I also lived in Germany for many years,
20 years actually.
But now I live in Valencia.
Most of my work or all of my
work is now remote, not dealing with people
face to face, which of course is not
always ideal.
But it also has other aspects to it
that are quite beneficial, which I can also
talk about in a few seconds.
I also try and focus a little bit
more on the communication side of things.
So offering communication techniques to help people make
their communication clearer.
They speak more confidently in an impactful way.
I'm also a big believer in technology and
language learning with its apps or maybe online
quizzes during the actual sessions to practice grammar
or to just vary your vocabulary.
And also, of course, now with AI.
But we can talk about that, I'm sure,
in the coming episodes.
And last but not least, I'm really into
So I also speak other languages, not as
many as Rebecca.
And even though I live in Spain, I
must admit, I don't think my Spanish is
as far not as good as Rebecca's is.
But I speak French and German.
And as I said, I'm learning Spanish, but
it's a long process.
Birgit, what about you?
Please introduce yourself.
Thank you, Dave.
So I'm Birgit Kazimierski and I love Britain
and Brits.
And this is how I found Dave and
Rebecca online, actually.
I contacted them at some point online and
then I think I established a contact between
those two.
And eventually that's how we became familiar.
But as Rebecca said before, we actually haven't
met and that's really unusual, but we still,
we believe we get on well.
I am also a coach.
I'm a business English coach and an author
of four English grammar books.
My background is that of a journalist.
So I wrote for English and German newspapers.
So that's where the writing interest comes from.
And as I said, I love England.
I spent two years there 30 years ago.
And when I came back, English was in
need at the university where I studied English
and later a journalist who wrote for English
I really stayed in contact with the language
a lot, using it for my work.
Eventually I moved to, for a short period
of time, I lived in Hungary, in Budapest,
and then I moved to Vienna, Austria.
And that's where I started helping people with
And I've been training and helping people improve
their English for, I think, 20 years now.
And what I enjoy is finding out what's
really important for people.
What do they need in order to speak
a better English?
I think, I guess that's my journalist background
to put the most important thing in the
So this is my really focus.
And I would say that I enjoy structure
Maybe you can call me a grammar nerd.
That's okay.
As I said, four books on English grammar
have resulted from that, hopefully helping people.
Yes, and I do have background from industry
and companies in the industry, banking, McKinsey.
I worked for some time, so I have
quite a lot of experience.
And when I work with people, I try
to speak their language, whatever they need in
their businesses.
Very good.
So the question is, I'm sure people are
wondering, why are we starting this podcast?
What is the point?
Why are we sitting here?
What are we aiming for?
What are we hoping to achieve with this
Any thoughts, Dave?
What do you think?
Well, I think we as trainers want to
help people improve their English, their communications, also
their cultural knowledge, maybe of, in this case,
Britain or English-speaking countries.
That's basically what we're here for.
We're giving some of our free time just
to talk about various topics in English that
people would love to tune in and listen
to us talk about these topics, pick up
some ideas, thoughts, maybe some tricks and tips
on grammar aspects, different cultural aspects or maybe
communication tricks and tips.
So I think that's, from my perspective at
least, the main reason why we're getting together
to produce the podcast.
Yeah, and I think it's a different format.
I think so many people today enjoy listening.
In the past, it was more books and
I think now this podcast format is so
popular and we just thought perhaps it would
be something nice to try, something different and
maybe we can reach different people through a
podcast rather than just, I don't know, websites
or blogs or it's just something different, isn't
it, Birgit?
Yeah, I think I always felt when we
met online, obviously, and discussed things, that was
kind of entertaining and interesting and we had
so much to talk about.
We share so much knowledge.
We do all have a lot of knowledge
and there are so many aspects to the
English language so that when we came up
with the idea, immediately could think of so
many subjects to cover.
So I think we will probably find enough
topics to talk about that are interesting and
there are so many aspects for learners.
As I said, what needs to be in
the focus, that's our message.
I think people, this is what is important
when you want to improve English, I guess.
And also because all of us speak different
I didn't mention I speak Spanish also and
I'm learning Dutch.
So it's not only English but learning languages
in general.
I think we know a lot about.
I think the other thing I wanted to
say is that, yes, we're doing a podcast,
but correct me if I'm wrong, guys, but
the majority of podcasts that I've at least
listened to talking about languages or English or
whatever, it's just been that one person.
And so it's been quite maybe monotone even
But I think as a three, we're working
as threes here, of course.
So it's more dynamic, there's more conversation and
that's really what we want to bring as
well in the future.
That it's not just one person talking, but
we take it in turns.
We all give our little bit of information,
our thoughts, our ideas, our opinions.
But we have a conversation and a discussion
as well.
Yeah, and I think that's our point is
that we all do the same kind of
job and we've all been working for over
20 years in this business.
So we kind of have more than 60
years of experience that is really worth sharing.
But we all bring something a little bit
different to the table, I think, which could
be interesting for listeners.
Yeah, and I also believe hopefully this is
an asset that we have this combination of
one German native.
I have a completely different look at the
Obviously, I know why Germans have problems with
present perfect, for example.
That's a different point of view.
But sharing this and hearing how you feel
about it and you putting in more native
input of vocabulary, I think that's a good
That's what we think at least.
Let's find out.
Yeah, I think that's true.
I think it's a unique combination of it's
not just one person.
There's three of us and it's not just
only natives.
It's two natives plus Birgit, who obviously has
been teaching and learning and teaching for such
a long time.
But it gives you a different perspective.
It's a different view than maybe some of
the other classic kind of podcasts out there.
What kind of topics are we going to
cover then for our listeners?
That's Birgit's favorite topic.
You will find that out.
That's Birgit's favorite topic.
So we're definitely covering grammar aspects.
Dave, what else are we going to cover
apart from grammar?
Also focusing on vocabularies and also maybe functions
of the language.
Also various communication things.
How to's.
So how to help you improve your English,
any tricks and tips, all these kind of
So basically, we hope, of course, things that
any listener who is interested in improving their
English would want to listen out for.
Also mindset.
So from my point of view, I would
like to also talk about some coaching topics.
So how coaching methods and tools can also
help you overcome fear of speaking, be more
Learning methods, how to learn smarter, how to
learn better, how to stay motivated.
Motivation is a massive factor in learning anything,
but definitely in learning a language.
It's a never ending story when you're learning
a language.
Yeah, overcoming that fear, as you said.
I think that was also one of the
major arguments when we thought, shall we start
a podcast?
Because we know we feel so many people
out there who don't dare to feel more
Maybe they are not as bad, but it's
a lot about confidence.
So that's a perfect combination with Rebecca, with
you having me here.
And Dave's also going to give us some
techie tips on language learning.
Today is also quite so, there's so much
out there now, so many resources.
So Dave's going to give us some tips
and tricks on apps and websites and all
kinds of ways that you can also use
technology to improve your language learning journey.
Okay, yeah, so thanks very much for tuning
in this first time.
I hope you enjoyed meeting the three of
And next time, our very first topic, real
topic, if you like, is actually finding the
time to learn languages, learn your English.
Maybe some tricks and tips from our side
to give you some help in finding the
time, making the time during the day to
learn your English.
So thank you very much for listening.
Hopefully hear you and see you next time.
Take care.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
Take care.
Bye for now.
Bye bye for now.
Thank you so much for pressing play today.
If you have any comments, questions or perhaps
suggestions for future episodes, feel free to contact
us at our website
Have a great day and see you next